
From the Editor’s Desk: Dateline Bracebridge, Santa’s Summer Ho-Ho-Home

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A few years ago, someone asked me to describe the work of a journalist. It’s easy. We go places we’ve never been, meet people we’ve never seen, ask questions that are none of our business, and then tell complete strangers all about it. The good ones do it with integrity, compassion, and without hummus. Maybe without hubris. These are real stories we’re telling, and they make a difference. They should. Read More


The Hilton Breakaway

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On April 21, 1852, at 10 in the evening, the lake’s north bank suddenly gave way, likely due to underground seepage, augmented by snowmelt and several days of heavy rain. With a great roar, the lake water surged down the valley, gouging a deep ravine, tearing into sand ridges, careening off gravel banks, and spreading over the countryside downstream. Read More


From the Editor’s Desk

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I cherish these incredible coincidences and connections. They make the world smaller. And happier. And livable. Just ask Bill Murtha, whom we also profiled. He’ll tell you a thing or two about connections. Oh yes, he will. He should meet my Favourite Cousin Steve and his amazing wife Henrike. They’d all have another story to tell. Read More